Changelog FoxGame 1.5:
- New features and changes:
* Firefox 3 support
* Buttons to change the current planet
* Reduced view for buildings, researchs, hangar and defenses
* Energy needed for next level building and total energy after updgrade in building screen
* Fleet needed to extract all resources from your planet are shown in fleet1
* Capacity of the selected fleet is shown on fleet1
* Number of positions gained or lost are shown at stats page
* AutoFocus send button on fleet2
* Phalanx range is show in moon buildings page
* Progress bar in buildings and research
* Final energy shown in selects at resources page
* Accesskey for send buttons on fleet2, fleet3, hangar, researchs, building, defenses and send message pages.
* Multiple uni autoselection (even in the same server, it will cycle between them).
* Added exploration and confederation missions on mission priorities.
* Show an image when a galaxy is within phalanx range (only from moons)
* Show debris numbers instead of image
* Show player and ally stats in galaxy view
* Fast reply for PMs and circular messages
* Links for dragosim and speedsim on spy reports
* Shows the total resources ammount and the number of ships needed to raid in spy reports.
* New and powerfull highlighting engine with a lot of options
* Almost every time function rewritten to be more precise and avoid errors
* Time and date format can be changed at wish
* And a lot of code improvements like no more need to release an update to add a new server, it is just updated from a central server as unis.
Disponible a cette adresse: Ici