Néanmoins Tomino avait déjà montrer son intention de travailler sur un nouveau Densetsu Kyojin Ideon.
Source: ANN
Ozma lee a écrit :Yoshiyuki Tomino a annoncé que le nouveau projet se passant en l'an 1000 du calendrier universal century Gundam aller s'appeler G Reko.
Ont ignore encore sous quel format celui ci va paraître, soit en Manga ou anime.
la source étant Mecha Damashii, l'annonce semble fiable.
l'info fut annoncer en septembre 2011 exactement.
Traduction rapide :Yoshiyuki Tomino a écrit :▽宇宙世紀を踏まえて「Gレコ」の新しい世紀を設計するには、1000年ぐらいの時間を超える必要がある
L'erreur de Mecha-damashi est de fournir en "source" sur son twitter une illustration qui n'a rien à voir avec ce qu'il annonce. Peut-être voulait-il proposer la page de gauche qui pourrait justement contenir cette interview ?Basé sur l'Universal Century, l'idée de "G Reco" (jeu de mot avec "Record) est de concevoir un nouveau siècle, d'où ce besoin de 1000 années.
Chronologie simplifiée : AD > UC > Epoque de "G Reko" > Vous comptez 1000 années à partir de là.
La traduction Google:Tomino: We first revealed the "G Reko" project in the Newtype Ace #1 magazine publication. At that time, we use the letter "G" to launch the project. To use the Gundam name would get in the way of what we want to achieve... which is an entirely new robot series.
Muraue: I understand that. The letter G deals with gravity and earth's surface. I can imagine you want to have broader possibilities when creating a new story.
Tomino: Correct. I started about 3 years ago. I had a sudden revelation. Last year's earthquake and the nuclear plant crisis impacted how I wrote the story line.
Maraue: That's the way to do it.
Tomino: However, anime is something that elementary and middle school kids watch so you have to have a robot that is ethical and legitimate.
Maraue: So this anime series will be about space elevator, and geared towards children?
Tomino: No, it is geared towards adults. About adults in a nuclear world.. To view the possible issues dealing with this theme from various aspect, or else it would just be a really awkward gundam.
Maraue: ha ha ha
Tomino: With that said, the compilation of this new TV series is very complicated. The story is all written out and now under review. I did all the content myself. There won't be much time for open forum, as that takes too much time. So when people ask me to share more, I will just tell them I need a break. Thank you for everything.
At the conclusion of the interview, It was also mentioned that a preview article about this new series will be printed in this month's Gundam ACE (October Issue), which is currently on sale in Japan.