Le Parti libéral démocrate du Japon (LDP) a annoncé son intention aux médias de construire un véritable Gundam pour la défense de leur patrie.
Sur un talk-show politique diffusé sur NicoNico Douga, les parlementaires du LDP, y compris le vice-président du PLD Oshima Tadamori aussi ancien secrétaire général du parti Bunmei Ibuki a révélé ce "penché sérieusement" sur un "projet de développement Gundam."
Cette politique viserais apparemment a intégrer à la fois la promotion industrielle du développement de robots bipèdes, et leur emploi militaire.

Source: Sankaku Complex“This is how they are going to spend our newly raised consumption tax?”
“These are Japan’s politicians.”
“Why Gundam all of a sudden now? You start with Zaku, Zaku!”
“Patlabor, you mean.”
“Nice to see they have some dreams, at least.”
“You lot are always trolled by this stuff, like that nonsense about Aso being a Rozen Maiden fan.”
“Why not start by making some robots which can clean up after a nuclear accident, morons.”
“Forget about useless bipedal bots, make something more useful.”
“Humanoid development allows artificial limbs and other good stuff. It’s good for Japan to follow its own direction, compared to the US and China and company, who are all on the same track.”
“People ridiculing this are the same people who would have been ridiculing the car a century ago!”
“Encouraging robotic development is great, but there really is not likely to be any merit in pushing bipedal ones.”
“Gundams would be useless in a real war. If their intent is anything more than to curry favour with otaku they should start looking at what would be.”
“Well, Gundam is just a symbol. Any idiot can see they are useless. They must be talking about promoting the robotics industry.”
“They are just trying to get your votes, guys.”